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Corinne Lalama

Honduras Corinne

Charla Co-Chair 2024-present

Hi! My name is Corinne Lalama and I am a senior majoring in Public Health and minoring in Sociology from Bridgeport, WV

I first heard about WVU Global Medical and Dental Brigades from a presentation from one of the officers at the time during one of my classes in freshman year. Global Brigades’ holistic approach to community sustainability and empowerment immediately drew me in, so I decided to apply, and here I am three years and two incredible brigades later! The experiences and insight I have gained from working with this organization are invaluable. It has broadened my knowledge of global social issues, specifically in resource-reduced regions of the world, and allowed me to discover my passion for bettering health outcomes in rural areas with limited access to healthcare, whether that be internationally or here, at home, in Appalachia. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn about and embrace different cultures, both on the Panama 2023 and Honduras 2024 brigades, and I cannot wait to brigade again in 2025! Working alongside fellow brigaders who share the same passion for service, healthcare, and social advocacy has been the best experience of my college career, and I encourage anyone to apply, whether you are an aspiring healthcare professional or not–you’ll be glad you did!