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Professor Daniel Brewster

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Professor of "Sociology of Health and Medicine" course required for travel and Advisor for Global Medical Brigades and Global Dental Brigades: Panama in 2015, Nicaragua in 2016, 2018, and 2018, Honduras in 2019 and 2020, Ghana in 2019, and Greece in 2020, Panama 2023, and Honduras 2024.

Hi. My name is Daniel Brewster and I am a faculty member in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. I serve as the advisor for both the Global Medical and Global Dental Brigades, respectively. These two organizations represent the international Global Brigades non-profit.

As Brigaders you will be enrolled in my Sociology of Health and Medicine course. The course is designed so that students are able to use the concepts of Sociology in order to better understand the work that we do in these resource reduced regions of the world. Regardless of your future goals, whether that be fields related to health and medicine to fields completely unrelated to medicine and health, Sociology can provide you a better lens to understand interactions. This course will explicitly deal with how we socially interact with people, societies and cultures that are different while also paying particular attention to our similarities.

I have been the advisor of these organizations for the better part of a decade, and for the last several years I have traveled and served side-by-side with some of WVU’s most brilliant students. These organizations, and the work that we do brings me the greatest experiences of my life. 

As an educator, it is truly a privilege to work side-by-side with some of WVU’s brightest and brilliant hard-working students.