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Paraag Gupta

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Medical Brigades President 2018-2019

Hello! My name is Paraag Gupta and I am in my fourth year at the WVU School of Medicine.

In the Spring of my Sophomore and Junior years, I traveled with Global Medical and Dental Brigades to Nicaragua.  My time with Brigades was chellenging, insightful, and productive.  Each day brings a new challenge and a new part of the world that I could never experience from a traditional Spring break.  Like most students, much of the effort I put forth professionally is restricted to the confines of a classroom or a research lab.  With Brigades, every ounce of effort I put in has the tangible result of contributing to the impact we have on thousands of lives each year.  This organization offers the single best way to spend my Spring break, and I look forward to leading another successful Brigade.